Wednesday 8 December 2010

Research on Horror/Thriller film poster

I have found and will compare these film posters to gain ideas and find out how they are constructed through a variety of skills and effects. This comparision will help me develop my film poster for our film trailer. I will input some of the ideas, skills and effects I aquire by doing this task.

1. This poster shows a contrast of light and colour. Her face, neck and hair is the brightest part of the image and as you go down the image it gets darker before hitting a pool of flames which gives that small brightness but it gives that dark light and not a warm, cosy feel. Further up the image, the dark sky has some breaks of light around the woman. The right-middle part of the image has the only lit house in the background. This can indicate that a specific house could be involved in the film's activities. The poster also includes some effects which give it a horror feel. The flames point out the 'hell' of the title and is the strongest colour used in the image. The rough and scary looking arms/hands point out 'drag' of the title. The expresion on her face shows that she is sufferering but is putting a fight against it. Expressing a determined but damned character in the film.

2. Same as above, this poster uses a contrast of both light and colour. The edges of the image are dark and and contrasts well with the rest of the image and text. The red title of the movie and the month of release stands out on the image and has a smudged effect. The rest of the text is in white and the main actor's name is bold and clearly seen. They have used many effects which makes different parts of the image stand out. The light glow around the island shows that this will be the main setting of the film. This gives a feel of isolation and being trapped. This is also shown by the title and the image of the surrounding sea. The use of the match light gives the sense that this will be the only source of light at different points during the movie. The effect on the man's face from the flame makes him seen above the island and fades slowly to the left of the image but the intensity of light on his eyes, keeps that image of hope. This makes it seem like this is the main character of the movie and both good and bad things will happen to him just by the contrast of light on his face, from light to dark. Overall, this poster has many details which make it seem more of a thriller rather than a horror.

3. This poster has only the contrast of colour which is cleaverly used to show the light and dark of the image. From the bottom of the image starts plain black leading up the image to smudges and a outline of a beastly man. Shows that something is coming out of the darkness. The red at the top breaks the black and creates the 'light' and 'dark' of the image. Therefore linking in with the title, 'days of night' but the day is not so bright and cheerful, this is where the red is used. This is because the red is a lighter colour compared the darkness of the black. The red title on the black makes it stand out and has the effect that it's been painted. The effects that this image has help make it give the feeling that it's a horror genre movie. The red glow on the man's face makes it easier to see the outline of his face and the expression given means the worst. The red also gives the feeling of blood and death.

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